In late February, Angelina Jolie proudly showcased her adorable baby bump, drawing attention from fans worldwide. However, even before becoming the talk of the town with her latest pregnancy, Jolie’s main focus has always been her role as a mother. With four beautiful kids waiting at home, she prioritizes their care and well-being above all else. In an interview with PEOPLE, Jolie expressed her utmost joy and fulfillment in being a devoted mother to her children, including her picture-perfect moment with her beloved daughter, Zahara.
The origin story: Following the production of the movie Lara Croft: Tomb Raider, Jolie was introduced to Cambodia, which ultimately led her to adopt a 10-month-old Maddox in 2002. At the time, Jolie was married to Billy Bob Thornton, but their relationship didn’t last long. Nevertheless, this marked the beginning of her journey as a single mother.
Prior to encountering Maddox, Jolie (seen with him at a park in Santa Monica, California, in 2002) had never experienced the joy of cradling an infant. She openly shared with Reader’s Digest how she promptly restructured her life to enhance their well-being. Jolie expressed that the sudden transformation she underwent to improve their lives was unparalleled, stating that her son was undeniably the most significant occurrence in her life. Paving the way for a growing family, she extended her love by adopting baby Zahara, hailing from Ethiopia, three years later.
Jolie’s life witnessed yet another transformation with the entrance of Brad Pitt. Their paths crossed while working on the movie “Mr. and Mrs. Smith” in 2005, and within a year Pitt not only embraced Jolie’s two children as his own, but they also celebrated the arrival of their first biological child, a beautiful daughter named Shiloh (pictured here with her mother in New York City in 2007).
In March of 2007, the Jolie-Pitt family welcomed a new member into their fold, a delightful little boy from Vietnam who they named Pax. Angelina Jolie, speaking to PEOPLE magazine, expressed her belief that it would take some time for Pax to truly understand that he now had a loving family that was here to stay, and that his life would no longer be filled with constant change. Fast forward to May, and Pax was seen enjoying a fun-filled day at Marineland in Antibes, France, alongside his new siblings.
main focus is on my children and their well-being.” Jolie and Pitt enjoyed a relaxed and family-oriented ski trip at Mammoth Mountain in California in February. Prior to this, Jolie had been on a humanitarian mission in Iraq and expressed her love for motherhood, stating that her children’s welfare is her top priority.