Jeremy Bieber throws Justin Bieber’s dog Karma off a balcony in a fit of anger, causing outrage

The trainer for Justin Bieber’s dog now has the pop star’s American bulldog in his care. Reports from TMZ suggest that Trevor Dvernichuk has stated that the dog, Karma, was tossed off a balcony on the second floor by Justin’s father Jeremy. Allegedly, Jeremy became furious after Karma, who was previously living with the family in Canada, bit Justin’s younger brother Jaxon. Check out the video below for more details.

Karma: Justin Bieber's dad Jeremy is being accused of tossing the singer's dog Karma over a second-floor balcony into a snow bank by the dog's trainer Trevor Dvernichuk

Karma, Justin Bieber’s pet dog, was allegedly thrown over a second-floor balcony into a snow bank by the singer’s father Jeremy, according to accusations made by the dog’s trainer, Trevor Dvernichuk.

It was reported that Justin’s father supposedly threw the dog outside into a snow bank, but fortunately, the pup made it through. Trevor mentioned to TMZ that Jeremy asked him to socialize the dog and not bring it back until it was ready. The trainer mentioned before that Justin and Jeremy had left the dog, which Justin had bought from a pet shop.

Not a happy dog: Trevor said that Jeremy (pictured with Justin on January 25) allegedly flew into a rage and tossed the dog outside because she bit Justin's younger brother Jaxon

According to Trevor, Jeremy (seen in a photo with Justin on January 25) was not pleased when the dog allegedly bit Justin’s younger brother Jaxon. In a fit of anger, he reportedly threw the dog outside.

Dog day afternoon: Karma has been living with Trevor for months at his Canada home

Dog day afternoon: Karma has been happily staying with Trevor at his cozy Canadian residence for quite some time now.

American bulldog: Justin bought the pooch a year ago at a pet store

Justin purchased an American bulldog from a pet store a year ago. However, now Jeremy is requesting to have the dog, Karma, returned to him. According to Trevor, Jeremy is making threats to involve the police if the dog is not given back. TMZ has reported that Trevor is willing to return Karma to avoid any legal issues, but he is worried about the well-being of the dog. Additionally, Trevor mentioned that the singer has not covered the expenses for Karma’s care.

Dog welfare: Trevor told TMZ that Jeremy wants Karma back and he wants to oblige but that he's concerned for the dog's welfare

According to Trevor speaking to TMZ, Jeremy is interested in having Karma back but Trevor is worried about the well-being of the dog.

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