In recent Instagram posts, Katy Perry showed off her stunning style in a shiny purple pantsuit during a behind-the-scenes moment on American Idol. The 38-year-old singer rocked the high-waisted trousers and cropped bandeau top, pairing it with a chic half-up, half-down hairstyle. Katy, who recently celebrated five weeks of sobriety, also shared a photo of herself applying lip gloss before the taping. She teased her 195 million followers about the upcoming Hollywood Week on Idol, hinting at the drama and emotions to come. “GET READY!” she wrote in her caption.
Looking absolutely fabulous! Katy Perry, aged 38, was a vision of beauty in her most recent Instagram posts shared on Sunday.
The singer flaunted a trendy eyeshadow palette in chrome lavender and soft pink shades that perfectly complemented her vibrant outfit.In one photo, Perry was seen touching up her makeup with a sparkling Hello Kitty mirror, while a hairstylist attended to her money pieces behind the scenes.Accessorizing with elegant stud earrings and dazzling daond necklaces, she struck a pose on the stage with peace signs and a playful kick of her heel.At another moment, the talented artist, who is a mother to two-year-old daughter Daisy with her husband Orlando Bloom, was captured holding onto the curtain ropes offstage.Originally from Southern California, she made her debut as a judge on the rebooted 16th season of American Idol in 2018, having previously appeared as a guest judge in season 9 back in 2010.
The artist flaunted a stunning look with an all-purple ensemble on American Idol, wearing a shiny purple pantsuit with snug, high-waisted pants and a short bandeau top. She looked glamorous as she posed for photos backstage.
Looking absolutely fabulous: A photo captured Perry using a sparkly Hello Kitty mirror while putting on some pretty pink lip gloss.The latest season of the popular reality show on ABC began airing on February 19.In her social media post, Perry was hyping up the upcoming Hollywood Week section of the show.Viewers can look forward to seeing the talented contestants undergo a challenging boot camp in this exciting segment.Catch the next episode of American Idol airing on ABC Sunday night, an