On Valentine’s Day, a five-year-old dog named Smokey was brought to the Franklin County Dog Shelter Adoption Center, along with his beloved toy – a plush grey elephant with pink ears. Smokey is completely smitten with his toy, and the shelter has even put up a sign requesting that he and the elephant be adopted together because they are inseparable.
Smoky’s time at the shelter was brightened by the presence of an elephant. Initially anxious and subdued, Smoky took a break from playing with toys for a couple of weeks. In March, it was expected that Smoky would be euthanized.
Shortly after, a couple of kind-hearted volunteers from the I Have A Dream Rescue Organization showed up and quickly formed a connection with Smokey. They pledged to assist him by finding a temporary foster home.
The little puppy is glowing with happiness ever since finding a loving new family. According to Melissa Southern, treasurer of the organization I Have A Dream, the pup was feeling down and cuddling with his stuffed elephant until a volunteer reached out to him. She emphasized the amazing impact that rescues can have on our furry friends. Discover more in the heartwarming tale “Never Give Up Hope” about a lost puppy miraculously saved from a drainage pipe.