Belcalis Marlenis Almanzar, famously known as Cardi B, has recently been spotted vacationing in Mexico without any makeup. In a candid photo, the social media sensation can be seen embracing her natural appearance, with no retouching of her nose, eyes, and lips. The picture captures her taking a well-deserved break from her busy schedule, unwinding and enjoying the beautiful scenery.
A fresh-faced Cardi B was recently spotted by a fan out in public, causing quite a commotion. The fan snapped a photo with the “WAP” star and shared it on social media, surprising many fans who are used to seeing her rocking bold looks and glamorous makeup. It’s not often that we get to see the rapper in her natural state, making this sighting extra special. Despite the shock of seeing her without her usual enhancements, fans were quick to praise Cardi for still looking beautiful and confident.