Cardi B wowed her followers with an edgy and daring outfit during her night out in New York City. The rapper donned a figure-hugging, black fishnet mini dress accentuated with metal details and pearls draped across her curves for an added touch of elegance. She paired the dress with black heels and a pop of electric blue eyeshadow. Cardi also showcased her eye-catching silver nails and opted for a tousled updo to complete her look. After her lively performance at the 2023 VMAs with Megan Thee Stallion, she headed to a party and shared glimpses of her fun-filled night on her Instagram Story, enjoying herself until the early hours of the morning. Cardi B definitely turned heads in NYC!
Cardi B made a stunning appearance at Bravo studios in New York City on September 11, 2023. Her fashion choices have always been impressive, and this time she left her fans awestruck with an intricate outfit. She also wore a vibrant blue dress with sparkles during her recent VMAs performance, which was inspired by her mother’s look in her 20s. Cardi recently released “Bongos” with Meg, and while most listeners seemed to enjoy the track, Joe Budden expressed his dislike for it on his podcast. Cardi believes that Budden has an issue with her personally, which goes beyond his criticism of the song. To view the images, click on the Via link below as we cannot post them directly on HotNewHipHop.