Cardi B, the 29-year-old rapper and mother, was captured in a sequined outfit with a beaming smile during an exclusive portrait session with E! at this year’s PCAs. The new Creative Director in Residence for Playboy showcased her stunning figure in a form-fitting gown and struck several impressive poses. In addition to her impromptu photoshoot, Cardi also presented the People’s Icon Award to Halle Berry and delivered a heartfelt and humorous introduction, which came as no surprise.
Cardi expressed her admiration for Halle Berry, whom she considers as one of her role models. The Bruised actress is a source of inspiration for Cardi, who commended her strength and brilliance. Furthermore, Cardi acknowledged Berry’s historic achievement as the first woman of color to win the Academy Award for Best Actress, which impacted young girls like her to aim high and pursue their dreams. In fact, Cardi herself has broken several records, thanks to the motivation that she received from icons such as Halle Berry.