The animated film Spirited Away unexpectedly has a live-action adaptation that fans are ecstatic about: The visual resemblance of the female lead to the original character is making netizens ecstatic! Shocking photos of Kristen Stewart as Princess Diana: Her performance is sure to win an Oscar, and it’s not just because of the stunning wedding dress! Mind-blowing revelation: The blockbuster film Eternals reveals that Thanos’ snap was actually a good thing, otherwise the Marvel universe would be much worse off!
Despite receiving mixed reviews from both critics and audiences, the Eternals blockbuster is still capturing worldwide attention. Marvel’s latest masterpiece not only brings a completely new story, but also introduces powerful characters that have never been seen before. Among the new and powerful characters in Eternals, Angelina Jolie portrays the character Thena.
In contrast to Angelina Jolie’s previous blockbusters, the film Eternals does not give her the main role. Instead, her character Thena, the “goddess of beauty,” surprises many with a “lackluster” portrayal in the script, playing a small role while also dealing with a “troubled mind.”
However, these drawbacks in the character of Thena do not dim the shine of Angelina Jolie. After the release of Eternals, netizens around the world have praised the actress in soaring terms. According to many, only this film star could surpass the muted colors and dull lighting of Eternals and shine brilliantly in this movie. Furthermore, the “epic” action scenes featuring Thena in Eternals also pleased the audience greatly.
In reality, the character of Thena was initially not intended for Angelina Jolie. When the acclaimed actress expressed interest in joining the blockbuster Eternals, the producers went on a search for suitable characters and decided to cast Angelina Jolie as Thena.