Angelina Jolie is a devoted mother who is focused on raising her six children despite the challenges of her separation from Brad Pitt in September 2016. The 42-year-old actress has been taking a break from filming and has been actively involved in her children’s lives. Recently, she even opened an animal center named Shiloh in Namibia, her 11-year-old daughter’s birthplace. Angelina continues to prioritize her family and their well-being above all else.
Upon returning to the United States, the little family had a wonderful day at Disneyland in Anaheim, just outside Los Angeles. Despite the presence of paparazzi, Angelina Jolie tried to go unnoticed among the thousands of tourists at the amusement park, hiding behind her sunglasses and Panama hat. On Wednesday, July 12, her twins Knox and Vivienne celebrated their 9th birthdays and enjoyed magical moments with their older brothers Pax and Maddox, and their older sisters Shiloh and Zahara.
With Pax, Knox had a lot of fun on the roller coasters, showing that the little boy is a true daredevil despite his young age. As for Vivienne, she often stayed by her mother’s side, holding her hand throughout the day. The little girl followed Angelina Jolie on the flying chairs ride. Alongside Shiloh and Zahara, the director of “By the Sea” seemed to rediscover the innocence of her childhood. It was a moment of pure relaxation that allowed her to forget the difficult past months, especially as her relationship with Brad Pitt is not completely resolved yet.