“A Magical Journey: From Struggle to Serenity – A Unicorn Pup’s Tale of Adoption and Love”

Strawberry is a lovable dog who enjoys making new friends, despite having a difficult past of being mistreated and overlooked. Unfortunately, her future was uncertain when some health concerns arose regarding two lumps on her head, scratches on her face, and a droopy eye. Thankfully, she found her way to the shelter in January 2022.

Out of nowhere, Strawberry’s luck took a positive turn! The LaBelle Foundation located in Los Angeles extended a helping hand. Initially, the shelter was concerned that the bumps on her head could be cancerous. However, after conducting some tests, they found out that the lumps were merely scar tissue from an old injury, and it did not pose any significant threat to her life. With the aid of the foundation, Strawberry was given the opportunity to start afresh. Although the option to remove the tissue was available, the team at LaBelle opted to maintain her unique features. They are confident that the perfect family will appreciate and adore her just the way she is.

The cute dog thrived in her new temporary abode. Although she had suffered from mistreatment in the past, she radiated unlimited love and tenderness that captured the affection of her caretakers. She decided to let go of her painful history and welcomed a fresh start filled with love and attention.

If you’re searching for a companion who enjoys snuggling and hanging out with humans, then perhaps Strawberry is the perfect fit for you. She gets along well with both people and other dogs, although she may become sidetracked by other canines or the sound of a ball during leash walks. Speaking of balls, Strawberry absolutely adores them and will happily run back and forth beside a tennis court for hours on end.
Despite having a bump on her head, Strawberry appears unfazed by it and even employs it as a chin rest when cuddling with her foster family. One fortunate South Pasadena clan spotted Strawberry on social media and instantly fell in love with her. They had recently lost their 15-year-old dog and knew that they could provide Strawberry with all the affection and attention she deserves.
Now, Strawberry spends her days playing fetch with her new loved ones and providing snuggles to anyone who welcomes them. She is almost completely potty-trained and sleeps peacefully in her crate overnight. We are so thankful to this fantastic clan for rescuing Strawberry from the shelter and offering her the warm and caring home she deserves.

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