A Curious Kitten Ventures onto a Balcony in Search of a Snack, Stays Put by the Entrance Until a Kind Soul Invites Her Inside

A curious little kitty scaled its way up to a balcony, perhaps in search of a tasty treat. Afterward, it lingered by the door, patiently awaiting an opportunity to be let inside.

cute curious kitten

A few weeks ago, a feline friend made an unexpected appearance outside Isabelle’s balcony window. The kitten was clearly in need of some food and Isabelle, being a cat lover herself and also involved with animal rescue, quickly provided the little one with a bowl of kibbles. The hungry kitten polished off almost half of it and then curiously watched as the resident cats played inside.

stray kitten outside door

The kitty climbed up a balcony and began searching for food. She was extremely thin and covered in grime, taking refuge on the balcony as her new home. Isabelle approached her cautiously, making sure not to startle the kitten. Surprisingly, the little one didn’t scamper away but rather gazed up at Isabelle with innocent eyes until she was picked up and taken inside.

stray kitten cat bed

The kitten’s contentment was evident as she enjoyed the security of her new surroundings and relished in a well-fed tummy. The team at Com Rescue Montreal ensured that the feline had access to ample cat food, clean water, and cozy blankets in a peaceful room. According to Celine from Chatons Orphelins Montreal, the kitten was overjoyed to finally have someone to look after her. Isabelle, who discovered the kitten, searched for its owner within the local community but could not find anyone who was missing the delightful feline.

stray kitten safe happy

Com Rescue Montreal reported that they received a request from Isabelle to help a four-month-old kitten named Typia. The poor kitty was malnourished and hungry, having wandered the streets alone for some time. Luckily, Typia found her way to the right balcony where she was finally rescued and given proper care. Com Rescue Montreal is now working hard to find Typia a loving forever home.

stray kitten typia cute

After receiving some medical attention for her tummy problems, the kitten was pampered with a relaxing spa session. Thanks to nutritious meals, a secure environment and affectionate care, Typia was able to gain some much-needed weight. Though she was initially hesitant around loud sounds, she gradually became more comfortable and formed a strong bond with her foster mom. Being around her human companions made her feel secure and valued.

kitten catnip sweet

According to Celine from @comrescuemontreal, Typia is currently residing in a foster home with other felines and desires to become part of their little clan. The adorable kitty simply adores being petted and immediately starts purring when cuddled. She especially enjoys getting her ears scratched and will express her desire for more affection by giving us a pleading look.

curious kitten big eyes

Typia is an adorable little kitten who loves to explore and play. She’s always eager to follow her owners or other feline friends around the house, so she never feels alone. This little bundle of energy is very curious and friendly, and she’ll happily join in on any game you offer, especially if it involves a feather wand toy.

sweet cat cute kitten

According to @comrescuemontreal, their furry friend enjoys lounging in the sunlight next to the top cat of the house. Furthermore, she likes to cuddle with her humans at night and will tap them with her paws when seeking attention.

kitten glasses cute

Don’t forget to spread the word about Typia the adorable kitten and Chatons Orphelins Montreal by sharing this story with your buddies. For more updates, check out their Instagram page @comrescuemontreal or visit their Facebook page.

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